together in texas

Thursday, June 16, 2011


early yesterday morning when i am in a deep slumber of sleep, my other half was capturing the sunrise out on the dairy farm. just the fact that he grabbed my camera (i mean OUR camera..since it was his idea to splurge on it) makes me smile!! so when i arrived later in the morning he showed me and told me he has been wanting to take a few shots of his morning view. no editing was necessary, the pictures speak for themselves and say a lot about the man behind the camera. even though the days are long, the work is tough, the wicked wind makes the days seem even longer and the work even tougher, he can take a moment to behold the beauty in the sun coming over the horizon to greet him.

 the picture above is my favorite. i find the silhouettes of the shades simple but dramatic.

i tell you what i have seen more sunrises as a mom of 2 kids than i ever did in college that is for sure...but that is besides the point right now. just enjoy the pictures and don't think about getting out of bed early at this moment. my problem is i go to bed only a few hours before it is back up again...besides the point again.

i don't know why but this poem came to mind...
thank you for sharing husband of mine!!

Old Irish Blessing
May the road rise to meet you:
May the wind be always at your back,
The sun shine warm upon your face,
The rain fall soft upon your fields,
And until we meet again
May God hold you in the hollow of his hand.


  1. Simply breath taking. Great photos Nathan and of course another wonderful post Crystal!!! Hugs to u both. Xoxo

  2. thank you my sweet lindsay!! your words mean a lot to me!! love!!!

  3. These pics are gorgeous! Your hubby is one fantastic photographer! My favorite time on the farm is during the summer when the sun is rising. I love how quiet and peaceful, I can't help but think about how magnificent God's creation is!

  4. shayla thank you!! it is a beautiful thing...the farm and God!!
