together in texas

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

PuRvEyer of JUnk

these are really old farm homes that have been abandoned for years just sitting pretty in the fields
treasures to be found!!

so i have been thinking..due to my husbands potent home brew .i would like to add a little pizazz to our family blog..maybe one day it will evolve into its own blog (a very good suggestion from jan because my hub does have a lot to offer in the department of cooking, (he keeps the meat on my bones..more than necessary but i guess that is my fault ;0) brewing, being a fabulous husband, dad and taking care of the cows)  but as of now i will stick to one. i love blogging about our family and our new adventures here in texas but YOU'ALL GET IT, we moved to the dairy, surrounded by tons of cow doo doo, lots of fields and miles and miles from everything. and YES i plan to keep posting numerous pictures of my boys and husband doing the cow thing because i simply can't get enough of  my man and boys in wranglers and rubber boots covered in manure with some friendly cows in the background.

but as we know my true passion is cooking....let's start over cause that is a complete lie but i wish it was true in some true passion is the thrill of the hunt of antiquing for all things used, unusual, chipped, rusted, JUnkY or sometimes called dead people's stuff. either in a empty barn, house, old movie theater(true story), in the middle of now where (which is easy to come by around this neck of the country), an alley, goodwill, salvation army, all stores marked "antique's or vintage" or random piles of rubbish on the side of the road.  as you can see i don't have any type of standard's as to where i look, it is all about what i find that makes it worth it. i have my mom all to thank for this habit since she did start this while i was in grade school by getting me to start my own collection of vintage coca-cola items...and the hunt never stopped. it just ran it course to whatever and whenever i seek out today on my treasure hunts.. so the point of this is that i want to blog more about my daily and or weekly finds and how i transform our house little by little. i feel like i am starting from scratch and want to share my little projects with you. i have been consumed and inspired daily if not hourly (thanx to my handy dandy droid phone) with all the decorating blogs out in blog land and why not share a piece of my pie with you!!

until next time ...out picking, driving, looking, digging, searching, hauling, smiling and finding all things junk....

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