together in texas

Monday, April 11, 2011

it had to go...

the plantation shutters was on my list of things to get rid of in this old house. this window is over 8 feet long, the main source of light for our living room area and it needed to be set free from all this wood !!! 

 old blue bench..but new to me

the shutters made the room feel so small and dark... this girl likes her sunshine!!

so i had to call in my handy boys for some help

i gave them instructions and they went to work right away..lucky for me they live "in house"

everything tasted well according to max

i purchased these curtains from world market and i am planning on adding a third panel in the middle for more privacy and making some pillows for the bench. i also need to paint the remaining wood trim white. much better don't you think..and yes that is a vintage mantle on the left..we will talk about that some other time:)