together in texas

Thursday, May 19, 2011


{Nathan, Elijah, Jackson & max} in order from the big picture
and miss. Charlotte belle!!

the photos of these super cute kiddos explain it all!! we spent some good ol' quality time with the mommy's and daddy's of these cute kids watching them play and drinking wine..the parent's were drinking the wine not the kids!! makes me miss our frequent get together's but now i cherish them even more and thankful for having them in my life!!!!!!!!!!!!

"A part of you has grown in me, and so you see, it's you and me together forever. Never apart, maybe in distance, but never in heart." ~unknown

working on the last part of our Easter weekend...the big egg hunt and egg toss:0
so beeeee-hind!


  1. Oh I love these boys. What a great way to show all the photos off. We are looking forward to your visit this weekend. I am sure we will get LOTS more great photos! Love you with all my HeArT.

  2. Cute boys! and I love that quote :)
